3 Brilliant Ways To Brighten Your Smile
When you think of cosmetic dentistry, you may imagine yourself submitting to crown fittings, undergoing dental implant procedures, or receiving a removable bridge. While any of these reconstructive services can certainly help someone with "bad teeth" smile more confidently, they're not the only dental techniques that can improve your looks. Here are three other procedures worth discussing with your cosmetic dentist. 1. Professional Teeth Whitening Have you tried whitening your teeth in the past, only to give up in frustration?
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How Do You Know When A Dental Crown Needs To Be Replaced?
Obtaining a dental crown is one of the most reliable ways to fix a gap in your smile because of a damaged tooth. These cosmetic dental fixtures have the ability to last for a really long time and perform like a regular tooth. However, eventually, crowns can need to be replaced, and it is best if you know how to spot signs it is time for ceramic crown restoration or replacement.
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The Sugar-Decay Issue: What To Know
Many people love sweet treats but most have been warned against sugar from an early age. Sugar, among other things, was thought to cause tooth decay. To find out more about the sugar-decay connection, read on to find the real answers. How Do Cavities Happen? To get to the bottom of this issue, it's helpful to understand how cavities form. In short, cavities are formed when bacteria are allowed to enter spaces in the gums or the tooth.
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Three Simple Ways To Improve Your Family's Oral Health
Oral health is everything. In addition to poor oral health having the potential for tooth loss and gum disease, the shape of one's oral health has been linked to health in other parts of the body, like the heart and brain. If you want your family members to live long and healthy lives, start with the mouth by following these three tips. Reduce Sugar Consumption Cutting down on the amount of sugar your family consumes is one easy way to improve oral health.
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Tips For Managing Your Dental Anxiety
Some people get extremely anxious when they have an upcoming dental appointment. The anxiety can make them go through the appointment in a tense state or even miss up the appointment altogether. If you are such a person, take the following measures to help you deal with your dental anxiety. Tell Your Dentist Dentists have various ways of helping anxious patients calm down. Unfortunately, your dentist might not know that you have dental phobia if you don't tell them about it.
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Need Dental Implants? 3 Things To Know
Losing a tooth or multiple teeth can feel devastating. Not only can it have a major impact on your appearance, it can also impact the way you speak and even eat. If you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth, it's more common than you may realize. Around 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and 36 million have no teeth at all. The good news is that there are various tooth replacement options to choose from, including dental implants.
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Ways A Dentist Helps Prepare Your Teeth For Braces
Before a person can get braces, he or she will likely have to go to the dentist to have some work done to his or her teeth before the person's teeth are ready for braces. If you are planning on getting braces, you should plan on this, too, and here are some of the things your dentist may need to do to help prepare your teeth for braces. Takes X-Rays of Your Teeth
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3 Questions Parents Should Ask About Their Child's Braces
From correcting misaligned teeth to straightening a bite and creating space, the benefits of braces for kids should be easy to see. Unfortunately, many parents struggle with the fact that their child will need to wear braces for a specific period of time. Thankfully, proper understanding is possible as long as the right questions are asked. If your child will be wearing braces, here are a few important questions to ask the orthodontist.
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Want Straighter Teeth? Why You Should Get Braces
Having beautiful, straight teeth can really help you feel good about yourself. When your smile isn't as attractive as you want it to be, it's hard to muster up the confidence to meet new people and take on opportunities that can really elevate your station in life. Once you've reached adulthood, you might think it's really too late to do much about the way your teeth look. The truth is that there are lots of options, and getting braces can be the first step toward helping you love what you see when you look into the mirror.
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3 Ways To Reduce Dental Issues In Children
When your child is a baby, it is time to start thinking about how you will prevent and address dental issues they may face as they grow older. Establishing good practices now will help your child realize the importance of their dental care throughout their life. Start Visits Early Talk with your dentist about the best age to begin having visits and what your child should be doing for oral care at different ages.
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