What To Expect During Your First Week With Dental Braces
If you are apprehensive about getting your new set of braces installed on your teeth later this week, then you are not alone. Teenagers everywhere have been in your same situation previously and all have lived to tell the tale! Thankfully, since dental braces have been used to correct smiles for many decades, there is a lot of information available about how your new braces will feel during the week after they are installed.
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Tips For Cleaning The Arch Wires Of Your Braces
If you have recently had traditional metal braces secured on your teeth, then your orthodontist or cosmetic dentist has likely informed you that you need to clean the teeth carefully. If you do not, then food and bacteria can gather around metal brackets and create pits around each brace. This can create a serious and unappealing decay problem. If you want to prevent this, then you will need to learn how to clean underneath the arch wires.
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2 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Teeth Cleaning
When you go in for a regular dental checkup, you are going to have the opportunity to get your teeth professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist or dental assistant. This is something that can be very beneficial for the health of your teeth, and can help you out a great deal in terms of having healthy teeth between dental visits. However, if you really want to get the most out of your teeth cleaning, there are a few things that you can do.
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Sealing The Deal: What You Need To Know About Dental Sealants
There are many, many ways of protecting your teeth against potentially harmful bacteria and habits. However, even if you brush four times a day, floss twice, use mouthwash after every meal, religiously avoid sugar and carbs, and only (and constantly) drink water, there's still a chance that you'll be vulnerable to a cavity or two in your lifetime. So what if there was a way to further protect your teeth against bacteria that aims to infect and destroy them?
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How To Improve Your Oral Health Through Food, Drink And Routine Oral Hygiene
While you have probably heard about the foods that are bad for your teeth, such as sugary drinks and candy, there are foods that can improve your oral health. Crunchy fruits and vegetables can help clean your teeth, while frequent drinks of water can remove harmful bacteria. Foods rich in vitamin C can help promote gum health, while fortified dairy and cereal products can give you the calcium necessary for strong, healthy teeth.
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How Your Oral Examination May Help Identify Early Health Problems
Checking for mouth lesions and problems is an important part of your dental checkup. Dentists are often the first ones to notice if there's something going on with your oral health. Lesions can mean a lot of different things form benign problems with your teeth or serious problems such as cancer. Here are some things your dentist looks out for when they do your oral examination and some of their possible causes.
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3 Reasons To Quit Smoking Before You Get A Dental Implant
If you are missing a tooth, replacing it with a dental implant is your best treatment option; however, you may want to stop smoking if you decide to go through with this. As you probably know, smoking is not good for your health, but you might not realize how this habit could interfere with a dental implant. Here are three reasons you should stop smoking completely if you want to get a dental implant.
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Diagnosed With Trigeminal Neuralgia? Here's How To Have Pearly Whites!
If you have trigeminal neuralgia, you may have been neglecting your teeth and rightly so since the condition, known as the suicide disease, can be triggered by forces in your mouth. Obviously, you never want to do anything to cause the pain, but if doing nothing has changed your pearly whites to an awful shade of yellow. Here's what you can do about it. Speak with your Neurosurgeon or Neurologist
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Everything You Need To Know About Stainless Steel Crowns
Stainless steel crowns are not the most popular choice for a few different reasons, including their less natural appearance. But if a dentist has recommended crowns, it may be beneficial to learn more about stainless steel crowns before making any decisions. What Are Stainless Steel Crowns? The crowns are made of nickel, manganese, carbon, iron and several other metals. They are mostly used on babies and children. This is because they do not require a lot of the teeth to be filed down, and they are easier to get into a child's mouth than an adult.
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Everything You Need To Know About Zirconia Ceramic Crowns
Zirconia ceramic crowns are a lot more popular than gold or porcelain crowns because they are extremely durable and biocompatible. They are, however, a little on the expensive side. As you are trying to decide whether or not zirconia ceramic crowns are the best crowns for your teeth, it may help to take a closer look at the benefits and drawbacks of choosing this type of dental crowns for your teeth.
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