Relief Recommendations For Unbearable Toothaches

Posted on: 29 October 2015

Are you experiencing a toothache? If so, there are some things you can do to get yourself some temporary relief. The important thing to remember is that pain is the way the human body signals that something is wrong. This is why you need to ensure that you go to see a dentist as soon as  possible even if the pain is intermittent or appears to go away. The reason you need to go to the dentist is because a serious issue such as an abscess could be the culprit of your pain and left untreated an abscess could result in harmful bacteria entering your bloodstream or the loss of a tooth.   

Numbing Agents

Store-bought anesthetics can be applied to the affected tooth to provide temporary relief. An easy way to ensure that you get the product on the tooth is by using a cotton swab to apply the numbing agent. When using this remedy, watch for signs of your pain becoming unresponsive to the medication, which could be a sign that your condition is worsening. 

Cold compresses to the cheek are also effective for some toothaches. In contrast, some toothaches are better relieved by moist, warm compresses. You can buy these from a store. Another option would be to make your own. Create cold packs by putting ice in zip-top bags. Place a thin piece of cloth between the pack of ice and your face. For warm compresses, you can wet washcloths to a warm temperature and apply them as needed.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Ibuprofen, aspirin and acetaminophen are  good options for treating pain associated with toothaches. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen both have anti-inflammatory properties, which make them ideal for toothache relief and minimizing inflammation.

Refrain from using aspirin as a topical toothache remedy. This is something that people used to do many years ago to attempt to treat toothaches. Placing aspirin on top of a tooth to dissolve could result in you getting mouth burns from the aspirin. If you plan to implement aspirin  in your toothache care regimen, take it orally according to the label, and ensure that you drink enough water. 

Protective Measures

It is important to keep your mouth as clean as possible when you have a toothache. This is because toothaches are often the result of cracks in teeth that have led to infection. Bacteria may multiply quickly if you do not take care of your oral hygiene. If you find it difficult to brush yur teeth, rinse your mouth with warm, fluoridated, salt water. The salt and fluoride are both cleansing agents. In addition, the warm water can provide pain relief.

If you know where the tooth is broken or cracked, apply dental wax to the area. This will act as a barrier of protection to the tooth and keep out irritating substances from coming into contact with sensitive nerves in your tooth. 

If your toothache does not respond to any of these relief suggestions, you may have a dental emergency on your hands. Try to find an emergency dentist in your area (try a local place, such as Children's Dentistry of Lake County). If there is not an emergency dentist in your area, a visit to the emergency room can aid in ensuring that you are not in a life-threatening situation. Swelling could be indicative of a serious tooth infection and should be treated as an emergency even if the pain is tolerable. Doctors in the emergency room should be able to prescribe medications to treat pain, inflammation and infection. 
