Foods And Drinks To Avoid For Better Oral Health

Posted on: 15 September 2017

If you are brushing and flossing regularly but still incurring cavities, it could be due to your diet. The items that you eat and drink can have a significant impact on the health of your teeth. Here are a few foods and drinks that you should consider banishing if your want to avoid dental issues.

Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated drinks have an acidic pH. As a result, like bacterial acids, the drinks can damage the tooth enamel. 

The enamel damage occurs as the minerals within the tooth material, such as calcium and phosphorous, are dissolved. This dissolution leaves the enamel in a weakened state.

Instead of carbonated beverages, choose water or sugar-free drinks that are non-carbonated. The less acidic the pH of the drink, the less enamel damage will result.

Sugary Snacks

Simple carbohydrates are metabolized by oral bacteria for food. As they digest their meals, they excrete byproducts, including acid. 

This acid is responsible for damaging the tooth enamel to cause tooth decay. It also irritates the gum tissues to incite periodontal disease. 

Some of the main foods that offer simple carbohydrates on which bacteria can feed include sugary and starchy snacks. These can be traded for fresh crunchy vegetables. The fibrous texture of the veggies even helps to clean the teeth as you snack.

Sugary Sports Drinks

Sugary sports drinks are not only damaging because they are acidic, but they also contain large amounts of sugar. If you must drink a sports drink to keep your body hydrated during workouts, look for a sugar-free version. In addition, alternate between the sports drink and pure water throughout your workout. The water can help dilute the acid of the sports drink.

Caffeinated Coffee

Coffee can stain the teeth due to its dark color. In addition, unless the drink is decaffeinated, it can help promote bruxism.

Bruxism is the grinding of the top teeth against those of the lower jaw. It often occurs at night while the sleeping person is unaware.

The force of bruxism is so destructive that it can cause the teeth to break or crack. In addition, it can cause irreparable harm to dental appliances.

Bruxism may be reduced by ingesting less caffeine. However, since the disorder takes place while a person sleeps, it is best to wear a night guard to protect the teeth regardless.

To learn more ways to protect your oral health, schedule a consultation with a local dentist.
