Stainless Steel Dental Crowns For Adults: Are They An Option?

Posted on: 17 January 2022

When your molar needs a dental crown, your dentist is going to have their own recommendation about the best material for the task. Crowns are available in different materials, although porcelain is the most common. It offers the required strength to restore the tooth, while also looking like a natural tooth. Porcelain fused to a metal frame achieves the same outcome. However, the look of the restoration may not be so important to you (since it's a rear molar at the very back of your dental arch). On the other hand, the price of the restoration might be a deciding factor.

Resin and Metal

In addition to porcelain, resin crowns are an option. These aren't often recommended since they can become tarnished relatively quickly and will require replacement sooner than other options. Metal crowns (usually a gold alloy) are also available, although their higher price can be a deterrent. And yet, gold alloy isn't the only metal that can be used to make a dental crown.

Usually for Children

Stainless steel crowns are common in pediatric dentistry. They can easily be applied to deteriorated baby teeth, without the need to remove the deteriorated portions of the tooth. The rate of deterioration won't exceed the tooth's exfoliation process, so the tooth (with its crown) will naturally detach before its decay becomes too significant. They're not generally offered to adults, but you may wish to ask about this option.

Stainless Steel Crowns for Adults

A stainless steel crown will typically be less expensive than a porcelain or gold crown while being far more robust than resin. Since the material can be fabricated to be extremely thin without sacrificing its strength, minimal preparation will be needed. Ordinarily, a layer of the tooth's surface will be removed to fit the crown. Only a tiny fraction of enamel must be removed for a stainless steel crown. Since the price is lower, with less effort required to install the restoration, what's the downside of these crowns?

The Look of the Restoration

The downside is that the restoration won't look natural. The tooth will look metal, and therefore obvious. However, when the tooth in question is at the rear of your dental arch, it's unlikely that it will be all that conspicuous. And even if it's noticed, you may not necessarily be too concerned—although this is very much a matter of personal preference.

When the tooth that needs a crown is a molar and you want a high-quality restoration that won't take a bite out of your savings, consider asking your dentist about stainless steel crowns.

For more information, contact a local dental office, like Dr Taylors Family Dental Center.
